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“Without sounding smug, I’ve always felt that you have to be well prepared when old man opportunity comes knocking. I always wanted to be an actor, and so I did everything possible to prepare myself for my career.”
….. Jeffrey Hunter
“Be natural, sincere and honest on and off screen and stage or radio. A good acting job must come from the mind and heart.”
….. Jeffrey Hunter
“He was the finest, most decent man I’ve ever known.”
….. Longtime friend Lee Riordan
“Despite his looks and talent, there was nothing of the snob about Hank. His voice was quiet and gentle and his manners came right out of the Civil War South.”
….. Friend Don Kreger
Jeff Enjoyed a Wide-Ranging Career in Movies…
Born Hank McKinnies, Jeff was a fine actor whose career spanned a wide range of roles:
- a college frat-boy in Take Care of My Little Girl as well as a cavalry officer with a conscience in Custer of the West;
- a brilliant scientist who drives himself insane in Brainstorm and also a high-tech spy in Dimension 5;
- a dashing prince of Baghdad in Princess of the Nile and real-life World War II heroes, including in Hell to Eternity and The Longest Day, as well as fictional heroes, in Sailor of the King and In Love and War;
- cowboys in the Old West – in Gun for a Coward and several other films – as well as Indian warriors in White Feather and Seven Cities of Gold.
Also, Jeff acted opposite some of the greatest screen actors of his day: most notably John Wayne – in The Searchers, and Spencer Tracy – in The Last Hurrah.
…And in Radio and TV!
In many 1950’s radio dramas, he showed off his college training as a radio actor. He also guest-starred regularly on TV series, especially during the 1960’s – including a role as a serial killer (!) on the very first episode of the popular series The FBI. During NBC-TV’s 1963-64 season, he starred in and co-produced his own series, Temple Houston, as a frontier lawyer in the Old West.
Many fans first discovered Jeffrey Hunter as the iconic first captain of the starship USS Enterprise – Christopher Pike, in the early days of Star Trek.

His Most Unforgettable Role? How About…

We dedicate this website with love and gratitude to Jeffrey Hunter, whose work as an actor, and whose untimely death in 1969, touched the lives of so many.
There are many excellent resources about Jeffrey Hunter on the Web! In particular, we recommend IMDb and Memory Alpha.
Although we gathered the materials on this website from advertising sources, no copyright infringement is intended. However, if anyone can prove copyright ownership of any materials and requests their deletion, we will remove said materials. Claudia Henry designed the site, with some content carried over from the original jeffreyhuntermovies site created by Jim Lalley and Claudia Henry.